By country


All provinces in Canada require opticians to complete formal training and education in opticianry and then must pass competency examinations prior to receiving governmental licensure. Some provinces (Ontario and Quebec) require a single optician's license that includes both the dispensing of eyeglasses and contact lenses, while the other provinces have two separate licenses, one each for eyeglasses and contact lens dispensing.

Recent changes to the British Columbia Opticians regulations allow qualified opticians in that province to test a persons vision and prepare an assessment of the corrective lenses required for a client. Using the results of the assessment an optician is able to prepare and dispense eyeglasses or contact lenses. Opticians in Alberta are also permitted, under certain conditions, to refract and prepare and dispense eyeglasses and contact lenses

Provincial regulatory organizationsedit

Each Canadian province has its own regulatory College or Board that provides registration or licensure to its opticians. The Regulatory body (often known as a ‘College’ but separate from, and not to be confused with, an educational institute) has a government mandate to protect the public. This includes enforcement of provincial statutes (Opticians Act) and public awareness campaigns.

The National Association of Canadian Opticianry Regulators (NACOR)edit

The National Association of Canadian Opticianry Regulators (NACOR) is an organization of all the provincial opticianry regulatory bodies in Canada (except Quebec). NACOR also administers Canada's national opticianry examination(s). Since 2001, all jurisdictions (except Quebec) have agreed to and signed, the Mutual Recognition Agreement among Opticianry Regulators that ensures labour mobility to all opticians across the entire nation without need for further examination. All provinces (with the exception of Quebec) require individuals to achieve a passing mark in a national examination as a requirement of licensure as an optician.

Despite the non participation of Quebec in National initiatives, Canadian opticians who relocate to Quebec are able to register and practice in that province provided they meet certain language requirements.

Provincial associationsedit

Most Canadian provinces have their own provincial opticianry associations that look after the interests of their members at the provincial level, such as advocacy. Some provincial regulatory agencies have a dual role or purpose and also serve as the association for that province. In addition to protecting their member's interests, provincial associations also undertake public interest initiatives such as providing vision screening for children in schools, or organizing professional development seminars.

Established in 1989, the Opticians Association of Canada is a national organization of all provincial Opticianry Associations in Canada. The role of the OAC is to advocate for the various interests of opticians on a national basis.


As a prerequisite for registration in any province of Canada opticians are required to complete a course at one of the NACOR accredited teaching institutions. Persons from an international jurisdiction may apply to a provincial regulatory agency for an assessment of equivalency of their education. Such applications are not unreasonably denied.


In Ghana, opticians are trained at the Optical Technician Training Institute (OTTI) at Oyoko in the Ashanti Region. The training programme is structured into a 3 year-diploma program. The diploma programme replaced the 2-year certificate program. In the new 3-year diploma program, one semester each of duration of about 4 months, is spent out on attachment every academic year. Presently, arrangements are being made for an affiliation to be built with the Department of Optometry, KNUST. Currently there are about 100 opticians in the country.


Dispensing Opticians are regulated by Optometrist and Dispensing Optician Registration Board of Nigeria (ODORBN). The training programme is a 3-year diploma programme in a Board license institution which are located in all geopolitical zones of the nation. Some of the training institution are Kwara state college of health technology (Offa), Federal Polytechnic (Nekede), Millenium College of Health tehnology.

United Kingdomedit

Opticians or Dispensing Opticians are regulated by the General Optical Council (GOC). A dispensing optician advises on, fits and supplies the most appropriate spectacles after taking account of each patient's visual, lifestyle and vocational needs. Dispensing opticians also play an important role in fitting contact lenses and advising and dispensing low vision aids to those who are partially sighted and in advising on and dispensing to children where appropriate.

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) is the qualifying body for dispensing opticians in the United Kingdom (UK). The Fellow of British Dispensing Opticians (FBDO) is the base qualification for UK dispensing opticians. This qualification has been awarded level 6 status (equivalent to BSc) by Ofqual Welsh Assembly Government and Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). Additional qualifications, Contact Lenses and Low Vision have been assessed at level 7 (equivalent to an MSc).

United Statesedit

In the United States, an optician, through testing, may be certified by the American Board of Opticianry (ABO) to fill the prescription ordered by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Note: The ABO Exam is not nationally recognized and does not indicate a license to practice as an optician. In roughly half the states, licensing is not a requirement to make or dispense eyewear. Many eye doctors do their own dispensing, and it is frequent for eye clinics to have an optician on their premises; or, conversely, for large optical chains to have optometrists in offices on their premises.

Some opticians learn their skills through formal training programs. Professional technical schools and two-year colleges offer programs in opticianry. Two-year programs usually grant an associate degree. One-year programs offer a certificate. Training usually includes courses in optical math, optical physics, and tools and equipment use. Other opticians can apprentice to learn the required skills. Many formal education programs will accept hours worked as an apprentice to supplement or replace course credits, as well.

United States Trade associations sortable tableedit

Association Region Website
Opticians Association of America National
The Commission on Opticianry Accreditation National
American Board of Opticianry National
OpticianWorks National
Contact Lens Society of America National
National Federation of Opticianry Schools National
The Vision Council National
National Academy of Opticianry National
Society to Advance Opticianry National
Opticians Association of Alaska Western United States, Alaska
Professional Opticians of Florida Southern United States, Florida
Opticians Association of Georgia Southern United States, Georgia
Opticians Association of Illinois Midwestern United States, Illinois
Opticians Association of Indiana Midwestern United States, Indiana
The Society of Dispensing Opticians of Kentucky Southern United States, Kentucky
Louisiana Association of Dispensing Opticians Southern United States, Louisiana
Opticians Association of Massachusetts Northeastern United States, Massachusetts
Opticians Association of Michigan Midwestern United States, Michigan
Mississippi Association of Dispensing Opticians Southern United States, Mississippi
Nevada Association of Ophthalmic Dispensers Western United States, Nevada
New Hampshire Opticians Society Northeastern United States, New Hampshire
New York State Society of Opticians Northeastern United States, New York
North Carolina Opticians Association Southern United States, North Carolina
Opticians Association of Ohio Midwestern United States, Ohio
Opticians Association of Oregon Western United States, Oregon
Rhode Island Association of Registered Dispensing Opticians Northeastern United States, Rhode Island
South Carolina Association of Opticians Southern United States, South Carolina
Certified Opticians Association of Texas Southern United States, Texas
Opticians Association of Vermont Northeastern United States, Vermont
Opticians Association of Virginia Mid-Atlantic States, Virginia
Opticians Association of Washington Western United States, Washington


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